A Works Cited list for Dr. Pitard's Teaching Timelines
There are several excellent British history and culture timelines on the Web.
- The Great Britain and Ireland section of the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History from the Metropolitan Museum in New York. This is a large set of interconnected timelines of world history linked to works in the Met. It also includes ancillary materials, such as a list of European Rulers.
- The Timeline for Britain from the The Oxford Reference timeline of World History is another set of interconnected timelines. It is utilitarian, but extensive, with links to reference works published by Oxford UP.
- The BBC British History timelines are no longer maintained, but remain available and useful.
Works Cited. These are listed according to the abbreviations used on the Timelines. This is not a list of all sources used, since web-based sources are often linked directly from individual entries, and Works Cited information for a source used once or rarely will appear under the entry.
- ANB: American National Biography Online. Oxford UP, 1999-2010.
- Algeo, John. The Origins and Development of the English Language. 6th ed. Wadsworth, Cengage, 2010.
- Bailey, Richard W. Images of English: A Cultural History of the Language. U of Michigan P, 1991.
- Barber, Charles, Joan Beal, and Philip Shaw. The English Language: A Historical Introduction. 2nd ed. Cambridge UP, 2009.
- Baugh, Albert, and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language. 5th ed. Prentice Hall, 2002.
- Bede. The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Here are two editions. One is ed. Bertram Colgrave and R.A.B. Mynors, Clarnedon Press, 1969. A second is ed. Judith McClure and Roger Collins, Oxford UP, 1994.
- Bennett, J.A.W., and G.V. Smithers, eds. Early Middle English Verse and Prose. 2nd ed. Clarendon Press, 1974.
- Bryson, Bill. Made in America. Avon, 1994.
- Campbell, James, et al. The Anglo-Saxons. Penguin, 1991.
- CEL: Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP, 2010.
- CEEL: Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP, 2018.
- CHB: The Cambridge History of the Bible, 3 vols., Cambridge UP, 1976.
- Fisher, John. The Emergence of Standard English. UP of Kentucky, 1996.
- Greenblatt, Stephen, gen. ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 2 vols. 10th ed., Norton, 2018.
- Hogg, Richard, and David Denison, eds. A History of the English Language. Cambridge UP, 2006.
- Hughes, Geoffrey. A History of English Words. Blackwell, 2000.
- Johnson, Keith. The History of Early English: An Activity-Based Approach Routledge, 2016.
- Knowles, Gerry. A Cultural History of the English Language. Arnold, 1997.
- Lerer, Seth. Inventing English. Columbia, 2007.
- Machan, Tim W., and Charles T. Scott. English in Its Social Contexts. Oxford UP, 1992.
- McCrum, R., W. Cran, and Robert MacNeil. The Story of English. Viking, 1986. [The PBS series companion.]
- Millward, C.M., and M. Hayes. A Biography of the English Language. 3rd ed. Wadsworth-Cengage, 2012.
- Mitchell, Bruce. An Invitation to Old English and Anglo-Saxon England. Blackwell, 2004.
- Momma, Haruko, and Michael Matto, eds. A Companion to the History of the English Language. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
- Mugglestone, Lynda, ed. The Oxford History of English. Oxford UP, 2006.
- Oxford DNB: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford UP, 2004-2012.
- Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare, gen. eds. G. Blakemore Evans and J.J.M. Tobin. 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin, 1997.
- ---. The Norton Shakespeare, gen. ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 3rd ed. Norton, 2015.
- Svartvik, Jan, and Geoffrey Leech. English: One Tongue, Many Voices. Palgrave, 2006.